Trinity Methodist Church

Love. Grow. Serve.

To watch updates and the latest sermons visit our YouTube channel!
Worship Times
Sunday School, Youth Group, Coffee Connection
(10 AM Sept – May)  
Watch our 
Current Sermon Series
Click here for our Calendar, Weekly Bulletins,
Events and Notifications
Scholarship Guidelines
Be encouraged today with one of their daily devotionals.
This is a  digital library that is available to all  from Trinity MC. This library of digital resources is  also available to our community. In other words, if you’re a part of Trinity MC and you know  of someone who might benefit from one of Grace Ministries’ resources on this site, please share it with them so they can receive Godly guidance for their lives as well.  Click the above logo to log in, or visit
Username: tumclomira
Password: lovegrowserve
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Guitar Girl Christian Stock Photo
The gift of giving through music….
TMC offers you the opportunity to rejoice with music by participating in…
Adult Choir –  Contact our Choir Director Pam Hilker – 920-387-2763
Hand-Bell Choir – Contact our Bell Director Sandra Collier – 920-539-8993
Jazz Band – Contact our Band Director Jason Ehlert – 920-539-6929
Special Music – Contact Worship Music Coordinator Jason Ehlert – 920-539-6929
Watch our Worship Band and rejoice!


Worship The Lord In Giving

We give as an act of worship.

A scripture on generosity is found in 2 Corinthians 9:6–7. There, the Apostle Paul states:

“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”

One of the greatest hallmarks of true Christianity is generosity. The Bible tells us true happiness is found when we give. And when we give, we are simply imitating God who is the biggest giver of them all. As the Scripture says, “For God so the loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son . . .” (John 3:16).

We give back to launch new opportunities for the Gospel to reach to ends of the earth. 




The mission of the Methodist Church is “To make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” … exactly what Jesus called all followers to do. God’s vision for Trinity MC — how we will accomplish the Methodist mission — is purposefully simple:

  • LOVE (both God & people; Matthew 22:37-38 & 39-40)
  • GROW (intentionally; Ephesians 3:17; 2 Peter 1:2)
  • SERVE (just like Jesus did; Matthew 20:26b-28)

These three simple phrases help us stay focused on what is really important… to LOVE always—both God and people, to GROW intentionally that we might become mature in our faith, and then to SERVE—meeting the needs of others, while helping them understand and experience God for themselves. LOVE, GROW, and SERVE. That’s why we’re here. It’s that simple.




Ignite Your Faith. Get Connected!

We love serving in ministry. 
Our sole aim is to guide individual faith to create a deeper relationship with God.
All that we do at Trinity MC is geared to help you  grow in your faith!
Missions Emphasis Worship Background
Contact the Church Office 920-269-4411
Men’s Fellowship Group
Meets at Diner 67 the
2nd Tuesday of the month at 8:00 a.m. 
Child's Faith Christian Stock Photos
Youth Ministry
Education and Activities 
Contact Jessica Marschie 920-583-4675
Sr. Adult Fellowhip
Love of God Religious Stock Photos
Community Outreach Programs
Trinity MC provides space for a variety of community programs.
This is one way we, as the Body of Christ,  can support our entire community.
Trinity Methodist Church
300 Church St.
Lomira, WI 53048
Office Hours Mon-Thurs  9AM – 1PM Email: Phone: 920-269-4411

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    For Prayer Requests
    Prayer Request will be sent directly to the church office by contacting us  today!

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     Our monthly newsletter is full of information about our church and our community. To stay current with what’s happening at Trinity…
     SUBSCRIBE NOW…by contacting us today!

    Visit us this Sunday!