To make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly” … exactly what Jesus called all followers to do. God’s vision for Trinity MC and how we will accomplish our Mission is purposefully simple:

~Love (both God & people; Matthew 22:37-38 & 39-40)
~Grow (intentionally; Ephesians 3:17; 2 Peter 1:2)
~Serve (just like Jesus did; Matthew 20:26b-28)

These three simple phrases help us stay focused on what is really important…

LOVE, GROW, and SERVE. That’s why we’re here. It’s that simple.
Gathering Times 
Sunday 9:00 am
Sunday School
Sunday 9:15 am
Youth Group/ Coffee Connection
Sunday 10:00 am
Find Us
300 Church St, Lomira, WI 53048
T H E   C H U R C H

We are a Church that believes in Jesus & loves God & people

“May our collective faith continue to inspire us, uplift us, and guide us as we navigate this new path. Together, we shall shine the light of Christ in our community and beyond.”
Father's Day-12
Mulongo Mpoyo
Pastor of Trinity Methodist church
T H E   C H U R C H

Our History

For over 150 years, our congregation has stood as a beacon of Christ’s love and grace in our community. We have weathered storms and celebrated triumphs, all while faithfully serving our Lord. Our history is rich, marked by the dedication and faith of those who came before us. Trinity United Methodist Church was born from the unity of three congregations in the mid-1960s. Through prayer and discernment, we embarked on a journey together, seeking to worship and serve the Lord as one body. And now, in June 2023, we have taken another step in our faith journey. We have disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church and have become Trinity Methodist Church, proudly aligning ourselves with the Global Methodist Church.


“Since its inception, God’s Spirit has enlivened the Methodist movement. In the 1720s John and Charles Wesley and friends at Oxford University met together to deepen their Christian faith through daily, practical spiritual disciplines. Derided by others as a ‘new sect of Methodists’ for their ‘methodical’ ways of practicing the faith and holding one another accountable to it, the small group embraced the insult and persevered in their fellowship. And so they and the millions who followed after them have ever since been known as ‘the people called Methodists.'”
W H A T ‘ S   N E W

Contemporary Service” 

Rev. Mulongo Mpoyo
Jill Franklin
Administrative Assistant
Pam Hilker
Choir Director
Clarice Drummond
Handbell Director
Jason Ehlert
Worship Music Coordinator / Band Director / Custodian
Pricilla Ehlert
Head Keyboardist
Kathy Drexler
Chair of Adult Christian Education
Tammy Steers
Co. Chair of Children and Youth Christian Education
Carissa Backhaus
Co. Chair of Children and Youth Christian Education

Trinity Methodist Church Map

Email: churchofficetumc@gmail.com
Address: 300 Church St, Lomira, WI 53048
Phone: (920) 269-4411

Stay Connected

Service Time
Sundays @ 9:00 am
Office Hours