Full Ministry List


Wednesday at 6:00 pm

Pam Hilker



Bell Choir
Wednesday at 7:00 pm
Clarice Drummond


Trinity Band
Jason, Band Director
920-922-0361 or 
Mugs & Muffin
Pam Wellso
920-905-9511 pamback313@gmail.com
Men’s Group
Pete Drexler
920-948-9070 pkdrexler21@frontier.com
Glen Wellso
920-979-2071 glenwellso@gmail.com

What is the main purpose of your ministry?

  • Men to connect with other men
  • Grow in our faith
  • Encourage men to actively participate in our church and community

Who are the members involved in your ministry?

Bob Coulter, Pete Drexler, Jason Ehlert, Gary Jesse, Augie Luedtke, Jeff Luedtke, John Muentner, Pastor Mulongo, Lee Oestreich, Glen Wellso, Gordy Zimmerman

What is a recent project you worked on with your ministry?

Fred Ferguson Gospel Sunday

Rides to church for Harold Johnson and Gene Junger

What do you need from TMC to be more successful as a ministry?

We need more members.

What are the goals for your ministry?

Continue to serve the church and community.

How can members become involved in your ministry?

Come to the Men’s Group meetings which are normally held on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 9:00 am. We coordinate our meetings with Mugs ‘N Muffins.

What is the main purpose of your ministry?

The purpose of this ministry is to provide opportunities for Trinity members and friends of the church to deepen their understanding of their faith in God. Secondarily, to challenge you and support you as you take the next steps on your journey towards discipleship.

Who are the members involved in your ministry?

Kathy Drexler is the chairperson of Adult Christian Education. She has been working with Pastor Mpoyo. Bob Coulter has recently stepped forward to lead a Bible study. We are in conversations with Trinity members about additional offerings. We welcome anyone willing to step forward to help us on our faith journeys.

What is a recent project you worked on with your ministry?

Our recent project is the addition of a Bible study on the book of Romans. Over the summer Bob Coulter and Pastor Mpoyo worked with Kathy Drexler to create a new format for this educational offering. Bob Coulter has spent years educating himself on the Bible by watching 30 minute Les Feldick videos, daily. On Monday’s at 1:00p.m. we have 14 Trinity folks coming to church to watch a 30 minute Les Feldick video on the book of Romans. Then the group spends 30 minutes discussing what we just heard. The class is informal and well received. It is a great way to take your first step into a Bible study. New classmates are welcome to join us at any time.

What do you need from TMC to be more successful as a ministry?

We need more people who are willing to participate in educational opportunities. Taking your first Bible study or Adult Sunday School class can be real intimidating. Please know that you will not be pressured to speak during any of our Trinity educational offerings. We respect the fact that everyone learns in different ways. Our goal is to provide opportunities for you to strengthen your faith and grow closer to God. Don’t let fear prevent you from taking those first steps. There is such joy in developing a closer relationship with God.

What are your goals for your ministry?

We have a lofty goal for adult Christian education. Our goal is that every adult worshiping at Trinity is 100% certain that they will spend eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven at the end of their earthly life.

How can members become involved in your ministry?

You can become involved in this ministry in a number of ways:

A. Sign up for any of our offerings.

B. Sign up for Adult Sunday School from 10:30 a.m. – 11:25 a.m., hopefully starting in October. We would like at least 6 people interested in studying how to become a disciple.

C. The Catechism of Christian Faith and Doctrine for The Global Methodist Church will be distributed in October. You will find your family copy in the quarterly financial statement. Please read and study your copy of the catechism. Pastor Mulongo is willing to offer a short class, later in the fall, to answer catechism questions.

TMC – Adult Christian Education
Kathy Drexler
920-748-1970 pkdrexler21@frontier.com
TMC Youth Group
John Lavarda
920-517-8031 jtlavarda@gmail.com

What is the main purpose of your ministry?

To offer a fun and exciting community open to all middle/high school-age students, that provides the opportunity for spiritual growth and support.

Who are the members involved in your ministry?

Myself, John Lavarda, serving as the Youth Group Leader.

What is a recent project you worked on with your ministry?

Last year as a group, we spent one Sunday morning cleaning up garbage, sticks, and leaves on the church property, parsonage, and surrounding wooded area.

What do you need from TMC to be more successful as a ministry?

We can always use more students to join us weekly, so feel free to invite friends or family to attend! Additionally, we welcome guest speakers to come and share or speak on a specific topic that would be relevant to our students (or even bring a fun activity!)

What are your goals for your ministry?

To foster both personal and spiritual growth, empowering our young students to be active in their faith and journey with Jesus Christ, to ultimately build a community that reaches beyond the walls of Trinity Methodist Church.

How can members become involved in your ministry?

The youth group meets after church service each Sunday (Sept-May) at approximately 10 am and runs for about an hour. Additional activities outside of that time will be planned and communicated throughout the year so stay tuned!

What is the main purpose of your ministry?

To see children come to know Christ and to consistently grow in Christ and learn to serve him.

Who are the members involved in your ministry?

Carissa Backhaus, Tammy Steers, Kathy Walker, Jessica Marschie, and Katelyn Kretschmer

What is a recent project you worked on with your ministry?

Rally Day – building excitement for the kick off of all programs starting back up in the fall with a pie and ice cream social.

What do you need from TMC to be more successful as a ministry?

We are hoping to increase our numbers in the classrooms, so getting the word out to family and friends about all the Children’s Education program has to offer at TMC. Also, we are looking for helpers to “sub” in when needed.

How can members become involved in your ministry?

Members can help with different events that we have throughout the year.. i.e. make Christmas program props and costumes.

Sunday School
Carrisa Backhaus
Tammy Steers 
920-960-4285 tammy@westphals.com
Nominations and Leadership Development Committee
Mary Muehlius
920-267-0820 muehlium2@yahoo.com

What is the main purpose of your ministry?

Our main purpose is to identify, evaluate, and monitor Christian spiritual leadership for the local congregation; identify spiritual gifts and abilities of church members; recruit and support leaders; and inform church council of changing leadership needs.

Who are the members involved in your ministry?

Members typically serve a 3 year term: Pastor Mulongo Mpoyo, chair; Mary Muehlius, vice chair; Kathy Drexler, Becky Luedtke, Owen Unferth, John Muentner (lay leader).

What is a recent project you worked on with your ministry?

There are typically 1 or 2 meetings a year, and usually held early fall to assess needs and fill leadership/committee roles for the following year.

What do you need from TMC to be more successful as a ministry?

In order to be successful, we strive to educate committee members of the leadership roles in church and how to most effectively tap talents of church members and help them successfully and meaningfully participate and assume roles in areas of interest and expertise.

What is the main purpose of your ministry?

To utilize the funds, given through memorials, to promote the church and its activities.

Who are the members involved in your ministry?

Augie Luedtke and Faye Beck

What is a recent project you worked on with your ministry?

Update the sign boards on Ashford Avenue and Church Street. Additionally, we printed up the TMC yard signs so members could proudly display their affiliation with TMC.

What do you need from TMC to be more successful as a ministry?

We need individuals to think about leaving a portion of their finances to TMC after they pass. We need to ensure the church has finances available as we head into the next generation and that we can continue our mission to Love, Grow, and Serve.

How can members become involved in your ministry?

We need members to talk to their friends and family about TMC. They need to promote TMC’s activities and help bring new individuals into the church.

Memorial Committee
Augie Luedtke
920-960-6677 augustluedtke@gmail.com
Jeff Unferth
920-602-6804 junferth49@gmail.com

What is the main purpose of your ministry?

To handle maintenance projects around the church and parsonage.

Who are the members involved in your ministry?

Wayde Beck, Steve Unferth, Jeff Zingsheim, Gordie Zimmerman, Dan Dewhurst, Carol Dilling, Lee Oestreich, Augie Luedtke, Jim Sauer, and Doug Kiehnau.

What is a recent project you worked on with your ministry?

Reupholster church pews, fix the heater in the kitchen, replace the outside spotlight, research parking lot and steeple repair, re-shingle the roof, etc.

What do you need from TMC to be more successful as a ministry?

We need more volunteers to step up and help with the projects. We need additional finances to work on the parking lot and steeple.

How can members become involved in your ministry?

Just feel free to talk to any of our members. Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer.

What is the main purpose of your ministry?

The SPRC is the HR department of Trinity Methodist Church. We do the following:

1) Search and hiring of new staff

2) Wage and benefit negotiations with staff members.

3) Conflict mediation between staff or between staff members and the congregation.

4) Working closely with the Church council, Worship committee, and Finance committee for anything related to staff here at Trinity Methodist Church.

Who are the members involved in your ministry?

Our members are: Chairperson Glen Wellso, Doug Kiehnau, Sarah Kretschmer, Pete Drexler, Tammy Steers, Matt Riehbrandt, and John Muentner, Lay Leader If you ever have an issue or concern you’d like addressed that falls into one of the two categories listed above, please feel free to reach out to one of our members to talk through your potential issue

SPRC Group
Glen Wellso
920-979-2071 glenwellso@gmail.com